Mangoes (Mangifera indica)

Mangos have only recently been introduced to the peninsula, although we made an attempt on our farm in the late 1970s.

It is native to eastern India and Burma. It is very sensitive to cold so it is grown in zones 11-12 where the temperature does not drop below +5ºC, a frost could be lethal for the plant, especially if it is young. In ideal conditions it can reach a height of up to 20m, but in our subtropical microclimate it is smaller.

Mango Osteen from Andalusia

(Mangifera indica Osteen)

It represents more than 90% of the mango cultivation in the area, although in the world it has a residual representation due to its intense aroma. It has a thick-skinned fruit, purple tones when ripe, almost no fibre in its pulp, it is not astringent and has a sweet taste with acid touches. Its production starts in September and lasts until November.

The Osteen mango fruits have a large size, between 300 and 700gr. with an ovoid shape.

They are a good source of vitamins A, C, E and fibre. Mango has a low glycaemic index, so it is beneficial for those who want to control the level of glucose in the blood.

One of its uses can be as asauce for a good grilled chicken dish. In our ice cream parlour we make sorbet with up to 55% fruit.

Keitt Mango from Spain

(Mangifera indica Keitt)

This mango variety has slightly smaller fruit, lacks fibre, is juicier and has a more acidic and less sweet profile than the rest. On our farm, it ripens from mid-October onwards and requires greater care of the flowers to prevent the fruit from growing excessively and eventually cracking.

These fruits are 500 to 600 gr. and can easily be eaten with a spoon, but are also delicious in salads.