Difference between mint and peppermint

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Difference between mint and peppermint

Peppermint, or Mentha spicata 'nanah', is a variety of mint spicata (the most common spearmint) used mainly in North Africa for making drinks.

Peppermint has the particularity of being much more aromatic and easier to grow.
the mind is wonderful

What is peppermint?

Moroccan mint is a variety of the classic spearmint, mentha spicata. The nomenclature of Moroccan mint is Mentha spicata 'nanah'. Widely used in North Africa and the Middle East, spearmint is adapted to drier climates than spearmint.

In addition, spearmint has a stronger flavour than mentha spicata and its leaves have more relief than spearmint.

Like the other varieties of mint, spearmint has rhizomes (underground stems) and tracer roots (roots that grow horizontally from the main root)

Peppermint care: can be invasive

Peppermint has a stronger flavour than spearmint because it has a higher amount of menthol (the essential oil characteristic of mint), as mint varieties have menthol-producing and storing glands in their leaves for defence, and when the leaves are rubbed, the stressed plant releases the menthol and emits a characteristically strong odour.

Planting peppermint:

Peppermint, like its counterparts, is easily propagated by head or stem cuttings:

  •         by taking a branch with 3 nodes and placing it in a container filled with soil;
  •         by taking a branch about 10 cm long and placing it in a container filled with water.

If you have a large mint plant, it is also possible to divide the bush.

Whichever method you choose, after a few days you can transplant your mint plant into a pot or outside if the weather permits.
criminal minds

Mint care:

Although hardy, Moroccan mint should be planted in early spring to prevent it from freezing. The substrate does not need to be very rich in organic matter, as mint is adapted to growing in relatively poor soil.

How to care for spearmint:

As Moroccan mint is adapted to a dry climate, watering can be sparse. However, if you want to keep your plant for a few years, the soil should remain fairly moist.

Flowering mint:

To have two harvests a year, it is possible to prune the plant severely, cutting it back to the ground, in late spring or early summer. If you only want to keep your Moroccan mint plant, you should prune below the flowers in late summer.  Peppermint flowers are white or pink inflorescences that can be seen in summer.

Peppermint care for bugs:

To note: no fertiliser is recommended. In addition, to always harvest quality leaves, the Moroccan mint plant should be renewed approximately every 3 years.

Harvesting mint

Mint leaves should preferably be harvested in the morning so that photosynthesis (the biological mechanism by which plants with chlorophyll produce sugars and oxygen from carbon dioxide and light) can take place without stress. Young shoots should be preferred because they have more flavour than older ones.

In addition, mint leaves can be eaten fresh or dried; they can also be frozen.

Nowadays it is one of the most loved ingredients in the kitchen; from the famous mojitos of the bodeguita de enmedio to the traditional infused teas of the Moroccan Atlas.

Do you want to buy Thai mint?

Mint and spearmint are famous for their deep green colour, refreshing smell and taste and have become in their own right the most sought-after aromatic plants used in gastronomy and health.
mint shops


Mint is an aromatic plant that belongs to the genus Mentha, a group of herbaceous plants with similar properties and which have been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times.

Mint: what is it?

Botanically, it belongs to the Mentha piperita family. Its characteristic shape, volume and stem distinguish it from the rest of the herbaceous plants of the same family, the Lamiaceae.

Mint cultivation

It is a sun-loving medicinal plant and has a love affair with the sun and warm climates; however, if you recreate its favourite habitat you can grow it almost anywhere.


One of the peculiarities of mint is its strength despite its delicate appearance; this gives it a competitive advantage as it is resilient enough to withstand sudden changes in relative humidity and temperature, which are lethal to other species.

The mind is wonderful

This plant has become indispensable in the world's gastronomy, so much so that it is omnipresent in both sweet and savoury dishes. but it is also an active ingredient for many health therapies and skin treatments.

What is the difference between peppermint and spearmint?

We could conclude after this article that in short, peppermint is a type of mint.

Scientific studies suggest that spearmint is a hybrid between two varieties of mint, white and black.

The spicata variety is morphologically more delicate, its stems and leaves are more delicate, while the piperita is characterised by the opposite.

Another difference is the adaptability of spearmint to hot or dry climates, places where mint suffers the most.
mint green

Potted mint

The shape of mint and spearmint leaves are different; peppermint leaves have a stronger shade of green, are more slender, develop a vertical growth and are pointed at the tip.

The spearmint plant has a thinner stem and branches, which slows down its growth, making it more horizontal and it tends to creep. If you touch it, you will see that it is also rough and fleshy.

The aroma is quite different in both, if you are not familiar at first you will not grasp the subtleties, but little by little you will discover the subtlety of its fragrance and it will help you to enhance your gastronomic creations.
mint and spearmint

Toledo mint restaurant:

We recommend the correct consumption of both, as they contribute greatly to health benefits. Among the most relevant properties, both mints have a considerable contribution of vitamins and minerals for the organism, such as vitamin A, iron, magnesium, fibre and folate.

Peppermint plant

On the other hand, it is true that the characteristics of peppermint are more anti-inflammatory and are usually more focused on treating problems related to the respiratory tract.

Peppermint, on the other hand, is a great ally of digestive health in general, as its consumption helps to expel accumulated gases, to reduce abdominal inflammation, to prevent colic, nausea and other stomach ailments.
peppermint care

Pennyroyal mint benefits:

As a condiment in the kitchen, mint is used more for infusions or for flavouring drinks or cocktails because of its strong taste and deep aroma, which is much more pronounced than that of peppermint.

Peppermint, on the other hand, is preferable to integrate as an ingredient in some recipes such as hot and cold creams, stews, sauces, pasta dishes, rice, etc.

If you have concerns about which one is likely to be best for you, our advice is, as always, to consult your safety doctor, nutritionist or alternative medicine practitioner.

Peppermint recipes: Mint leaf dessert

Mint can be used to make delicious dishes such as fruit tartar, ice cream and also stews, cold soups, hot creams, stews where the broth has been flavoured with mint leaves...

Mint ice cream

To make a good ice cream, it is important to infuse the leaves in the milk with time and, if possible, freshly cut mint leaves.

Your imagination is the limit, sharpen your wit to create more fragrant dishes and delve into new cuisines such as Asian cuisine where the use of mint and coriander is predominant. Upload your photos to our instagram profile @tiendadefruta.