When to prune avocados in Spain

person Posted By: Manolo Mateos On:

When to prune avocado trees in Spain

Pruning avocado tree in Spain

It is important to know when to prune avocado trees in Spain to maintain proper foliage growth and a good fruit crop.

Although avocado trees need little pruning, good training pruning is necessary to help uniform growth.

It is best to prune trees to control growth before they run out of room in the garden to spread out.

Below are tips and the best time to prune avocado trees.

how to prune a potted avocado tree

Do avocado trees need pruning?

Pruning avocado trees helps to control their growth and ensure a large amount of fruit. It also helps to maintain a balance between foliage and fruit production by encouraging fruit production rather than foliage. Pruning also helps to avoid over-branching.

Prune avocado tree: Formative pruning 

Formation pruning of avocado trees is a drastic pruning that is carried out when the tree is young and still dormant. This pruning is done to manage the growth of the tree and stabilise its foliage.

Pruning an avocado tree in the Canary Islands: it can be done in different ways

In the first year of planting, it is necessary to cut back all branches up to the foliage of the tree. For trees with long branches, it is best to prune in autumn or winter before spring.

Cut back the central stem to about half the height of the tree when it reaches 15-20 cm. This will help the plant not to become flabby and thin.

When the tree is 2-3 years old, it is time to prune avocado trees to manage growth and control foliage. Pruning can be done in several ways. You can trim the tips of the branches to stop growth.

This will help the young branches to improve their orientation, giving them a good balance in the tree as a whole.
pruning avocado

Pruning avocado plant: best time for pruning

The best time to prune avocado trees in Spain is during the summer months after spring. Trees planted at this time have a greater chance of success because their roots can absorb water better and the weather is milder and protects avocado trees from frost.

Always maintain a good balance when it comes to pruning the tree. Not over-pruning or over-pruning the avocado tree can affect fruit production.

Avocado pruning: technical pruning

It is important to note that technical pruning is not widely used on avocado trees. This form of pruning is used for the purpose of upgrading the tree, renewing it to produce better quality fruit.
avocado pruning

How to prune an avocado tree?

If the tree is running out of room in your garden to spread out, then it is time for a technical pruning. During this process, remove old branches, spread them out to allow sunlight to penetrate the trees. It is recommended that technical pruning is carried out in the winter for best results.

All in all, pruning avocado trees can be a difficult process, especially for beginners. If you are unsure how to prune your tree, it is best to seek professional advice and help. Correct and timely pruning of avocado trees will help to get a better result and a healthy amount of fruit.
pruning avocado in pots

How to prune a potted avocado tree

Pruning a potted avocado is a more complex process as the avocado is confined in a container, any pruning action will have an impact on its base.

It is essential that the plant is well nourished and that it has enough space, it is important to remember that the roots of the avocado tree develop horizontally and in a very narrow strip of about 30 cm. deep, this means that if you do not have enough space, the roots of the avocado will tend to spiral and possibly consume all the space in your pot.

When pruning, try to maintain a symmetrical balance, otherwise the plant will become unbalanced to one side or the other. Do not cut too much, as this can cause unnecessary stress and cause wounds that can encourage the entry of unwanted pathogens.

So as not to make a mistake, remove only those branches that bother you and then choose whether you want to form the plant at the top or if you prefer to have it smaller and within arm's reach.